Florida Kids For Clean Water

Florida Kids for Clean Water

The mission of Florida Kids for Clean Water is to empower kids to speak out on behalf of Florida's environment. We want to give them a safe place to learn about local conservation issues and how to raise their voices for the places and animals we all love. We will also share at-home science and art activities with a focus on nature for kids to learn more about the world around us and look forward to the days when we can partner with local organizations to do some hands-on community service and build this network of kids who want to protect our marine and coastal habitats! 


Hi, I'm Ali Claypoole, and in partnership with my children, Brice and Coco, I have recently taken the helm of Florida Kids for Clean Water. Our family is thrilled to be launching this project under the auspices of Suncoast Waterkeeper. 


"I care about the environment because the future of my generation depends on not destroying what we have today." Brice, Age 12


"I like helping with Kids for Clean Water because I know I'm helping plants and animals." Coco, Age 10


Join the Discussion on Facebook @floridakidsforcleanwater and Instagram #floridakidsforcleanwater


If you'd like to support our efforts, you can find us at https://www.facebook.com/floridakidsforcleanwater